Ancient Near East: 3000 BC - 300 BC


Gilgamesh was priest- king of the Sumerian city of Uruk (Bible: Erech), who built a 6 mi. wall around it for defense. Sargon was later to destroy this wall. But it was in death that he became immortalized, as the main character in the first piece of great literature, the Epic of Gilgamesh. Great literature is so because it helps answer some of the questions that are the permenant concerns of mankind, such as, "How should I live?" or "What is justice?" Here, Gilgamesh discovers the dignity of mortality. The ruins of  Uruk were found in 2003, and are being excavated presently amid the chaos in Iraq. Right: Bust of Gilgamesh.


Priest-King of Uruk, Sumeria


The Sumerians started calling their priest-kings 'Lugal' (big man), especially if they were successful in battle. King lists were dawn up in many cities, indicating how they kept time. Lugal-Zaggisi was a powerful king who went out from his minor city (Umma) and fought and defeated the lugals of other, larger, city states: like Lagash and Uruk. This victory would not last long... for a new conquerer would emerge from outside of Sumer, in the center of Mesopotamia.


Priest-King of Sumeria


The first great empire-builder of history, Sargon's city was called Akkad (Gr. Agade). Using bow and arrows and spears, he led his forces south to defeat the civilized cities (including Lugal-Zaggisi's) one by one, unifying them under his control and beginning an Age of Empires (an empire is a heterogeneous territories brought under the rule of an emperor). He is the first to be called "The Great," and he really was a smart guy, good at propoganda: his daughter write poetry on the theme of unity between Sumerians and Akkadians, and he paraded criminals in front of city temples and proclaimed how the gods were 'on his side.'





150 years after Sargon, Sumerian cultural ways persisted in Mesopotamia, and were even adopted by the ruling Akkadians. Cuneiform writing, ziggurat temples for city gods, and urban division of labor all continued. Akkadian language, however, became dominant, replacing Sumerian. Eventually, central control weakened and collapsed. Gudea was a Sumerian ruler of a neo-Sumerian, post-Akkadian period, of the city of Lagash, along with some other city- states. He had irrigation channels revitalized and managed a wide trade area (to Arabia, Sinai & Levant). At this time at Ur, a great ziggurat, 45 ft. high, was built, with huge stairs so the gods might come out to visit.


Ruler of Sumeria


This city on the Euphrates River became great under under Hammurabi, author of Hammurabi's Code, the oldest known law code (1792). "An eye for an eye," it said on stele that were placed strategically in cities so people could see the rules. Preamble: "Hammurabi, exaulted prince, who entreats Marduk to bring about the rule of righteousness in the land, to destroy the wicked and evil-doers, who rules over the black-headed people (Sumerians had dark hair), who makes riches, who enriched Ur, who laid the foundations of Babylon, who brought plenteous water to its inhabitants..."


Emperor of Babylonia


Of semi-legendary and humble origin, "Abraham went forth from Ur of the Caldees (in Mesopotamia) into the Land of Canaan". Upon arrival, by way of a special covenant, God 'gave to him all the land from the Jordan River to the sea,' later to become Israel. Abraham is the patriarch of the ancient Hebrews, whose monotheism was the seed for today's Jewish and Christian faith in the one and only God. His son Ishmael, by his maidservant Hagar, was sent into the wilderness and is revered by Muslims as the ancestor of the Arab peoples.


Patriarch of the Hebrews


Son of Abraham by Sarah and Hebrew patriarch, Isaac was born when Abraham was 100 years old, and Sarah was not very far behind. His very birth was a gift. His famous role in Genesis was that of sacraficial lamb: he is to be a sacrafice to God given by his father: the killing of his only son. On the intercession of God, in the final moments, Isaac is spared, and Abraham's loyalty and faith in God is affirmed. Isaac lived to be over a hundred as well. He married Rebecca, who bore two sons.


Hebrew Patriarch


Son of Isaac. His twin brother Esau and he were both taught the traditions of the fathers, but on the day Abraham died, when they were 15, Esau sold Jacob his birthright (the Abrahamic covenant) as eldest sibling, for a mess of pottage (lentil soup). Later when their father (now blind) died, Jacob disguised himeself as Esau and received his paternal blessing as well. He fled, and had a vision of 'Jacob's Ladder,' a stairway to heaven with angels descending and ascending. One night, he wrestled with an unknown stranger, who was later revealed as the angel of the Lord. God changed Jacob's name to Israel, 'he who is strong against God,' as God was proud of his son. Israel had twelve sons, 'the Children of Israel,' each of whom would become fathers of the 12 historic Hebrew tribes.


Hebrew Patriarch


Not the first ruler of the Indo-European Hittites in Anatolia, but the first to extend Hittite power throughout the penninsula and south to Syria. He then built the fortress citadel at Hattusa, which became the center of Hittite power. A cuneiform tablet found in 1957 discusses his deeds.


Emperor of the Hittites


Joseph had many brothers, and his brothers, jealous of his many-colored coat (among other things), sold him into slavery in Egypt land. This was during the Hyksos period following the collapse of the Middle Kingdom, and the pharaoh became enamored with Joseph's ability to interpret dreams.


Hebrew Patriarch



Deliverer of the Hebrews



Moses' chosen successor, Joshua is mentioned in many books of the Bible, and walked for the 40 years in the wilderness. Before getting to the Promised Land, Moses died, and Joshua brought down the Walls of Jericho and won the conquest of Canaan- probably the greatest win for the Israelites in organized battle.


Israelite Leader



An important Judge of Israel (Judges 13:1), Samson was the famed strongman of the land, and while he tore Philistine temples down, he fell to the wiles of a woman, Delilah. In the end, he went out with a blaze of glory, for when the said no one could, Samson pulled down one last temple, and paid the ultimate price... but took the entire Philistine army with him! (AL)


Israelite Warrior


Saul was the first ruler of the Kingdom of Israel. He was appointed by Samuel to rule the newly united Hebrew kingdoms and to defend them against the growing Philistine threat. Ultimately, he met his end during a Philistine invasion. He was nailed to the wall of Beth-Shan. (BC)


King of Israel



Philistine Warrior



King of Israel



King of Israel


Tyre specifically, as he and his Phoenicians were a city-state people. Descended from Canaanites, he had Ball and Astarte to worship. He allied with David and Solomon, but was neutral when Israel fought the Philistines. He sold Solomon the ceder trees used in construction of the Temple.


King of Phoenicia



From the land of Arabia-Felix, she came to Israel to seek out the wisdom of Solomon (I Kings 10:1). The Ethiopian Christians today trace their lineage from her. (WM)


Queen of Sheba



Taking advantage of the weakened neighborhood after Solomon died in Israel, Pharaoh Shishak took advantage of its weakened state and brought 1200 chariots and thousands of cavalry to capture a number of cities including Megiddo, Gibeon, Beth-Shan, Beth-Horon and more. He attacked Jerusalem and took treasures from the Temple and Solomon's Palace (I Kings 11:40). His deeds are recorded on another temple: that of Amon at Karnak. (AD)


Pharaoh of Egypt



Shalmanesser III succeeded his father Ashurbanipal and led constant campaigns, wide-ranging, against Syria, Mesopotamia, Urartu, Babylon and more. In Nimrud he build a stone palace, part of which is still standing. (JB)


Emperor of Assyria


This prophet of the Levant who said "kings should not break laws with impunity, but conform to the same laws as anyone else." Crazy, right? Even Nixon said he was not above the law- that was Elijah talking, not Machiavelli. Elijah's stories are a big part of the Old Testament.


Israelite Prophet


Known as Pul in Biblical history, TP III was founder of the new Assyrian Empire. Using harsh tactics in which he incorporated fear and state-sponsored terrorism, and cruel practices of subdivision and resettlement. TP III ordered that the provinces be subdivided so that it would be harder for them to enact a unified revolt, and to further separate conquered peoples he had tens of thousands of subjects resettled far from those who shared their identity.


Emperor of Assyria


"The Legitimate King." A natural born conquerer who took the power of Assyria to Babylonia, Armenia, Philistia and Israel, among others. Reorganized administration into 70 imperial provinces. At the height of his power, he was cut down in a battle with the Cimmerians... leaving all to Sennacherib.


Emperor of Assyria



Sennacherib's reign did not focus on military expansion, but building projects. Stopped a rebellion by a Babylonian king allied with Chaldeans, Aramaens and Elamites by riding with Phoenician sailors down the Tigris. Later the Hebrew Hezekiah revolted, and he went to Israel and laid seige to 46 cities with battering rams to win the day. 10 of the 12 Israelite tribes were carried off never to be heard from again. Psalm 46 speaks of the joy of the last two tribes in surviving.


Emperor of Assyria



Son of a loved priest, Hilkiah, he was a Biblical prophet who came to the scene at the moment Judah had turned away from God, and he made it his mission to bring them back. Unpopular, Jeremiah prophisized the fall of Jerusalem, which later occurred under the hand of Nebuchadnezzar. He wrote two books of the Bible, and these books reveal the introspective, honest and saddened state that Judah's rejection and subjugation evoked from Jeremiah.


Israelite Prophet



The last Assyrian ruler, probably the greatest... in an overall sense. He was learned, and built the first library in the Ancient World, to catalog all the knowledge known.


Emperor of Assyria


Josiah became king of Israel at approximately 640 B.C. He placed a great deal of importance on the worship of YHWH, God, unlike his predecessors who introduced idolatry. He restored and refurbished the temple, and he put to death all prophets of Baal and other gods. Josiah was killed in 609 B.C. by an Egyptian king named Necho (MD).


Israelite Prophet


Emperor of Babylon the Great during its 100 years of glory. He took Egypt, rebuilt the city, including the Hanging Gardens. A moat was flooded from the Euphrates and water brought to the terraces where the gardens grew in arid Mesopotamia. Eight mile walls encircled the city, the Ishtar Gate with its glazed tiles, led to the ziggurat temple of Marduk- known by the Israelites as the Tower of Babel. Sacked Jerusalem, destroyed the temple, and carried the Jews off into the Babylonian Captivity.


Emperor of Babylonia



Croesus exemplified wealth. His Lydian Kingdom amassed in tribute from the Ionian Greeks. Biting off more than he could chew, he allied with some Greek cities against Persia, and fought them in Anatolia. He was captured one winter, and met demise. But it was his financial reforms that immortalized him: he instituted the use of currency to make transactions: money and coins. Think of Croeus next time you buy something with money.


King of Lydia




Israelite Prophet




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