Hudson High School









chapters / major topics








early byzantium





later rome





early byzantium





new bosporus rome








unity of religion, politics




emperor above law




unnecessary complexity



byzantine court





purple for royals only




levitating throne


justinian's legacy





justinian and theodora





hagia sophia built




justinian's code




corpus iuris civilis




mosaic artwork








reclaiming roman unity



byzantine revival





islam battered byz.




reorganization- themes




basil II got balkans


byzantium and west





east-west tensions





otto of saxony




ambassador liudprand

byzantine society















c was europe's largest




trebizond, antioch




thessanoliki, adrianple



peasant problems





free peasants now not


industry and trade










crafts, gems, textiles




dyeing, no monopolies








byzantine-muslim trade




war suspended trade




rugs from persia




timber, fur, amber




slaves from russia


urban life










palace wine fountains




baths, taverns, games




greens and blues riot





rome and orthodoxy





legacy of greece





greek replaces latin





school taught greek lit




humanities curriculum


byzantine church





church and state one





arian heresy








breaking of icons




eventually abandoned












celibacy, fast, prayer




st. simeon stylite



st. basil of caesarea





communal living




no possessions



mt. athos





austere monestaries




off limits to females


east-west tensions





arab invasions





antioch, alex., jerusalem




rome, constantinole left








leavened vs. unleavened




shaved beards in west




trinity debate








rome primacy debate




1054 break

byzantium's effects





domestic problems





social issues





romaioi 'romans'




new animal by 1000




theme system broken



challenges from west





french normans take I




robert guiscard




'middle' of crusades




1204 sack



challenges from east





seljuq turk incursions




1071 manzikert




1453 ottomans


byzantium and slavs





cyril, methodius mission





croatia, serbia, bulgaria




bohemia, hungary




cyrillic alphabet


byzantium and russia





prince vladimir of rus





converts to christianity




kiev receives learning



growth of kiev





caesaropapist control




russian orthodoxy





prophet and his world





muhammad's message





early life





caravan merchant



spiritual transformation





cave visions




slow to catch on



the quran





oral recitations




hadith 'sayings' later




legal customs




direct word of allah


migration to medina





conflict at mecca





ka'ba shrine made $




muhammad denounces




muhammad persecuted



hijra 'flight'









islamic calendar event



the umma





all muslims worldwide



seal of the prophets





m is the last prophet


islam conquers arabia





return to mecca





mecca falls to islam




pagan shrines destroyed




ka'ba preserved




all arabia falls to islam



five pillars of islam





prophet of allah




5 times / day prayer




fasting during ramadan




alms for the poor




hajj journey to mecca








obligation to struggle




spread word of islam




war against unbelievers



sharia islamic law





law of the quran




governs all facets of life

expansion of islam





early caliphs, umayyad





caliph 'deputy'





abu bakr selected




judge, leader, general



expansion of islam





north africa




byzantine levant




sasanid mesopotamia




byzantine egypt




north africa




sasanid persia




hindu sind kingdom




visigothic spain



sunni-shia split





sunni majority




shia follow ali



umayyad dynasty





ali assassinated




umayyad mecca family




damascus capital




dar al-islam



policy to the defeated





jizya head tax



umayyad decline





rebellion in persia


abbasid dynasty





abu al abbas





defeated umayyads




invited to dinner, killed



abbasid wars





cosmopolitan rule




defeated chinese- talas




fought in mediterranean








baghdad- capital




ulamas religious leaders




qadis judges



harun al rashid





climax of abbasids




elephant to charlemagne



abbasid decline





harun's sons fought




saljuk turks ruled




sultan 'chieftain'




destroyed by mongols

dar al islam society





farm and city





food crops





eggplant, citrus, cotton



urban growth





delhi, samarkand




bukhara, merv, tunis




cordoba, tangier




paper from china


hemispheric trade zone





overland trade





silk road revived




ice loads from syria



camels, caravans





camels ply silk road



maritime trade





indian ocean trade




astrolabe, lateen sail








sakk 'check' used



organized trade





china: silk, ceramics




india: aeromas, spices




byz: jewelry, textiles




west africa: salt, gold




east africa: slaves, skin




rus: amber, slaves, fur



al andalus (spain)





caliphate (post-711)




prosperity of cordoba


status of women





quran and women





male guardians needed




veils for women

islamic values





formation of tradition





promotion of values





sharia goes to all umma












deepen spiritual views




al-ghazali teacher




missionaries to asia








kaba pilgrimage




inns on road to mecca



persian influences





rubaiyat of o. khayyam




1001 arabian nights



indian influences





math = astronomy




medicine, antidotes



greek influences





ibn rushd- averroes





centralized rule returns





sui dynasty










yang jian imposes



grand canal





largest waterworks




yangzi valley-north




rice transported








sui yangdi needs $






tang dynasty





tang taizong





capital chang'an




unusual prosperity








grand canal finished




9000 seafood relay



equal-field system





stable redistribution



bureaucracy of merit





civil service exams




confucian education



tang expansion





took manchuria




took silla korea




took tibet, vietnam



tang foreign relations





middle kingdom rules




kowtow enforced



tang decline





careless leadership




an lushan-uighur rebels


song dynasty





song taizu





centralized bureaucracy



song weaknesses





khitan manchu nomads




jurchen nomads too




song flee to guangzhou




southern song




conquered by mongols

tang, song economics





agricultural development





fast-ripening rice





vietnamese strain




two crops / year



new farm techniques





heavy iron plow, oxen




composted organics



population growth





45m to 115 m (1200)




grand canal facilitated








chang'an 2m top world




guangzhou 1m




restaurants, taverns




noodle shops, tea house




brothels, music halls




gardens, craft shops




li bai's urban poems



patriarchal society





foot binding




like veiling in islam












fine chinaware








iron and steel




16m iron arrowheads




brudges, pagodas








daoist achemists




sought elixers for life












wooden block




movable type



naval technology





watertight bulkgeads




canvas, bamboo




magnetic compass


market economy





financial instruments





copper coins




flying cash




paper money




serial numbers




lack of confidence




printed more than had

cultural change in china










new religions in china





nestorians, mani




zoroastrians, buddhists








city of buddhist caves




mahayana rite in tang




darma is 'dao' in trans.



zen buddhism





flashes of insight




persecuted by daoists


neo confucianism





confucius and buddha





song confucians liked b




zhu xi knows your role




li: form, qi: actual being

chinese influence





korea and vietnam





silla korea





conquered by tang




silla rule, pay tribute




korean capital kumsong



nam viet





women free to trade




viet modeled admin




buddhism in viet too


beginnings of japan





nara japan





no chinese armies




confucianism, buddhism



heian japan





fujiwara supreme




chinese influenced



tale of the genji





murasaki shikibu




courtly life



decline of heian japan





minamoto clan rules




shogun idea



medieval japan









kamakura period




muromachi period








professional warriors




bushido code





islamic, hindu kingdoms





centralized rule quest










restored order in north




patronized writers




emissary to tang taizong



decline of harsha





visited local leaders




assassinated on trip


islam in north india





conquest of sind





abbasids take sind



merchants bring islam





cambay, gujarat muslim




arab, persian traders



turkish migrants





turks, afghans muslim



mahmud of ghazni





turk leader in afghan




took punjab, looted




temples destroyed




mosques built



sultanate of delhi





all northern india




like mongols in russia




19 of 35 sultans killed


hindu kingdom in south





chola kingdom





south and ceylon




china sea-arabian sea



vijayanagar kingdom





deccan plateau




taken by islam

indian ocean trade





monsoon agriculture





monsoons winds





needed for harvest



irrigation systems





aryans in ganges valley




lake bhopal project



population growth





105m by 1500








cambay, surat, calicut


trade in south india





internal trade





pepper, saffron, sugar



hindu temple trade





temples loaned money




centers of production


indian ocean basin





dhow boats- 500 tons





arab, persian, indian



junk boats- 1000 tons





song chinese



emporia of india





centrally located



specialized production





fine cotton textiles




refined sugar, tanning




high carbon steel



kingdom of axum





kush nubia in decline




axum destroys meroe



african christianity





axum adopts christianity




umma repulsed


caste and society





caste and migration





turks got own status




caste system india-wide

hindu and islam meet





hinduism develops





vishnu and shiva





buddhism declines




vishnu preserver cult




shiva destroyer cult








harmonized hinduism








union with deity vishnu


appeal of islam





coversion to islam





lower castes convert




25% of subcontinent



bhakti movement





hindu-muslim unity



guru kabir





shiva, vishnu, allah same

influence of india





india influences east










mekong river state




syncretic hinduism




grand irrigation system




irrigation in disrepair








sumatra based navy




taxed ships trading




eclipsed by chola india








khmers adopt buddha




temple of angkor wat




thai invaders ruin it




jungle reclaimed it


arrival of islam





islam in spice islands





sumatrans muslim




marco polo noted it




java, malay penin.








from hindu to muslim




islam linked asia





quest for political order





germanic states





barbarian kingdoms





visigothic spain




ostrogothic italy




lombard north italy




burgundian, frank gaul




angle, saxon britain


franks revive empire


















charles martel at tours








crowned by pope, hre




captial aachen




no burearucrats- counts


decline of carolingians





louis the pious





let empire divide by 3








muslims from south




magyars from east




vikings from north



norse expansion





sailed in longships




north atlantic




ice, green, vin - land




vikings used tides




raided constantinople


regional authorities










alfred the great




built navy vs. vikings








otto defeats magyars




pope crowns otto hre








local authority, taxes








viking norman north

early medieval society





decentralized society





lords and retainers





feudalism too simplistic




many ad hoc systems




nobles, private armies



inherent instability





web of relationships


serfs and manors





serfs and obligations





not slave, not free




labor as rent payment








field, meadow, homes






economy of dark ages










heavy plows- ox work




rural society, tiny town



norse merchants









abbasid silver for coins








36m in 1000

christendom is born





politics of conversion





franks and church





clovis, charlemagne



spread of christianity





saxons, even vikings


the papacy





pope gregory i





stopped lombards




papal primacy




conversion of england







monastic rules





rule of st benedict




monte cassino



monastic society





social services, orphans




copied books




monks, nuns teach





turkish migrations





nomadic society





nomads and animals





steppes of eurasia




milk, meat, hides




yurt tent, kumiss drink



nomad and settled folk





nomads natural traders




shamanic religion




turks convert to islam



military organization





chiefs called khans




mobile attack formation


turk expansion





saljuqs and abbasids





caliph recognizes sultan




tugril beg first sultan



saljuqs and byzantines





battle of manzikert




saljuqs rule anatolia



anatolia transforms





byzantine to turkish




christian to muslim



sultanate of delhi





ghaznavids in india




plundered ganges




mahmud of ghazni

mongol empires





rise of mongols





chinggis khan





temujin clan leader




steppe 'diplomacy'




united mongols



military organization





broke units, reformed




no tribal lines




capital karakorum




1% of china's pop.



mongol arms





vicious cavalry, bow




pow human shields



mongols take n. china





jurchens fall, song falls




khanbaliq near beijing



mongols take persia





saljuq successor falls




destroyed qanat


mongols after chinggis





khan's realm divided





great khanate- china




chaghatai central asia




ilkhanate of persia




golden horde of russia



khubilai khan





ruthless destruction




promoted buddhism




xanadu, marco polo



conquest of all china





defeated southern song




yuan dynasty begins



indochina invastion





guerrilla jungle tactics




unfriendly for horses




mongols leave alone



japan invasion





largest ever pre ww2




100k men, 4500 ships




die in massive storm




kamikaze saved japan



golden horde





east europe overrun




russian cities pay tribute




moscow princes strong



ilkhanate of persia





hulegu defeats abbasids




mamelukes block more




persian rule, tribute




mongols take islam




ilkhan ghazan converts




christians, jews killed



yuan dynasty





forbade marriage




dismantled education




confucian trad. drops


eurasian integration





pax mongolica





mongolian trade peace




silk road safety



diplomatic missions





rabban sauma




llamist tibetan buddha








skilled workers moved




uighur turk bureaucrats




silk road cities bloom


decline of mongols





collapse of ilkhanate





deline after ghazan




no mongol hier- collapse



yuan decline





yuan debased currency




paper money hated




peasant revolt




bubonic plague



surviving khanates





golden horde to 16th c

after the mongols





tamerlane the whirlwind





a lame conqueror





turkish chieftain




lame leg, limped




took chaghatai




capital samarkand








persia, afghanistan




attacked south russia




sacked delhi




anatolia, caucasus




died before china




empire desintigrates


the ottoman empire










turk migration anatolia



ottoman conquests





attack byzantines




sack balkans




base at gallipoli




delayed by tamerlane



constantinople captured





end of byzantium




sultan mehmed II





early african migrations





population growth





banana and population





arrival by malay sea




madagascar entrepot




22m in 1000


political organization





kin-based societies





stateless society




male chief village head




no larger government








ife, benin



kingdom of kongo





most centralized bantu

islamic empires





trans-sahara trade










from arabia by egypt



kingdom of ghana





senegal-niger rivers




most gold supply




gold for salt, horses



capital koumbi-saleh





dozen mosques, qadis



islam in west africa





no forced conversions




elite religion




animism for masses




raiders end ghana



sundiata and mali





the lion king




builds mali empire




trans-sahara wealth




25k camels linked mali




capital niani




timbuktu, gao, jenne



mansa musa





high point of mali




hajj with 50k servants




mali factional decline




songhay empire rises


east africa swahili cities





the swahili- coasters





east african cities




ports for ocean trade



kilwa, sofala, mombasa





arab trading class




stone mosques



great zimbabwe





gold, ivory, slave trade




linked to sofala



islam in east africa





muslim mogadishu




ibn battuta visited

african society





social classes





kinship groups





no private property




common land, usage




male family heads




clan group identity



gender relations





smithing, tanning secret




women planted, raised




all-female combat units




islam little effect



age grades





social ties by age








muslim traffickers




russian slaves in arabia




african slaves in arabia




battuta saw slaves




mansa musa 500 slaves



zanj revolt





slavery in mesopotamia




sugarcane, salt mines




15k revolt crushed


african religion





creator god





divine force, sustained



lesser gods, spirits





sun, rain, trees, others




diviners know gods


christianity and islam





christianity in north





augustine, alexandria



kingdom of axum





ethiopian christians




islam expansion isolates




lalibela, rock churches




kebra negast lineage



islam in africa





casual, nude men




casual, nude women




battuta offended





regional states appear





holy roman empire





otto I





john XII crowns hre



investiture contest





pope, emperor tangle




lay investiture




gregory VII ends



friedrich barbarossa





sights on lombardy




pope gets coalition




hre didn't restore unity


regional monarchies





capetian france





capetian dynasty




hugh sets tone




steady centralization



the normans





viking normandy




little regard for capet




feudal dukes strong



norman england





norman conquest 1066




william of normandy




battle of hastings




centralized england


regional states





italy and papal states





no one ruled peninsula




ecclesastical states







papal states





popes control territory



italian city-states





florence, genoa, milan




venice, bologna



southern italy's normans





defeated muslims there




salerno norman base




forced out byzantines



christian iberia





castile, aragon, portugal



muslim iberia





al-andalus south




granada, steady decline

economic growth










arable land expands





population rises




swamp, forest cleared




production = taxes




crop rotation




water mill, heavy plow




horse shoe, collar




diets enhanced




79m in europe by 1300


revival of towns










flanders, london, paris




castle towns, trade fairs




flemish, italian fairs



mediterranean trade





venice-byzantium trade




venice-arab trade




genoa, pisa naples too



hanseatic league





baltic trade organization




novgorod-london line




fish, fur, grain, timber



business techniques





banking, credit, partners


social change





three estates





those who pray: clergy




those who work: serfs




those who fight: nobles








courtly behavior




christian values




tender gender relations








songs of love, poems



eleanor of acquitaine





supported troubadours




helped soften manners



independent cities





charter of incorporation




hansa or other reason




tool against local rulers








craft, trade groupings




set prices on goods




focus of friendship




financial, moral support



women and working





freedom to work




worked alongside men




admitted into guilds




town as change agent











cathedral schools





complex issues








paris, chartres, bologna




latin literature




law, medicine, theology








charter guarantees




vested teachers



aristotle rises





from byzantine, muslim



scholastic theology





thomas aquinas




classical-christian united




ibn rushd, zhu xi, thom.


popular religion










holy rituals




membership in society




stations in life




baptism, eucharist



devotion to saints





holy life, may intervene



virgin mary





the christian ideal




notre dame churches



saints' relics





hair, skull, wood, bone




reliquaries made








like muslim hajj




to honor place, saint




rome, compostela




inns, guidebooks


reform movements










education, help clergy








st. francis of assisi




vow of povery




mendicant order



popular heresy





waldensian heresy




albigensian heresy




bogumil heresy




pope innocent III ends

medieval expansion





christiandom expands





north and east





sweden, denmark




norway, iceland




prussia, baltics, finland




teutonic knights



south, west and east





spain fights islam






europe expands










eric the red, greenland




lief erickson, vinland







of sicily





norman guiscard bros.



of spain





caliphate of cordoba




granada falls, 1492




ferdinand and isabella


the crusades





urban II





pope calls for crusade




recapture holy land




peter the hermit disaster



first crusade





capture of jerusalem




feudal territories form




crusader castles built







second crusade





endessa taken by turks




salah al-din, saladin



third crusade





three kings crusade








christians begin leaving



later crusades





sack of constantinople




children's crusade








exchange of ideas




trade goods in europe




desire for products




marco polo a result










toltecs and mexica










river tula irrigation




capital tula




nomads destroy state



mexica (aztecs)





aztlan: legendary caves




kidnapping of women




stole cultivated land



capital tenochtitlan





lake texcoco




under mexico city




chinampa agriculture



aztec empire





itzcoatl begins conquest




moctezuma continues



tribute and trade





cocoa beverages




local rules collected


mexica society





social structure





all males are warriors




hereditary military elite








lip plugs for winners



mexica women





no role in political life




no inheriting property



priestly class





montezuma was priest








agricultural, domestic




family members sold




criminal slavery


mexica religion





mexica gods





quetzalcoatl serpent




need human sacrifice




grain fed by blood








war god, craves blood




priests de-heart victims


north american indians





pueblo and navajo





river irrigation




adobe clay homes



iroquois peoples





woodland maize, bean




longhouses, teepees








large earthen mounds








100 ft. tall mound




largest in north america








no writing




river trade, miss., ohio

south american states





before the incas





chucuito kingdom





lake titicaca




lama, alpaca herding




terraced agriculture




chewing coca leaves








lowland peru kingdom






the inca empire





extent and expansion





pachacuti earthshaker




expands from titicaca




takes chimu




quito-santiago length




jungle-pacific width




11.5m in 1500




tribal resettlement policy








in place of writing




chords of various length








gleaming mountain city




pachacuti retires there




inca roads, bricks












no market economy




ruler was deity




owner of all goods



inca gods





sun god inti




creator god viracocha




planet, moon, rain

societies of oceania





nomads of australia





aborigine life





nomadic foragers




new guinea root crops








oyster shells, food



culture and religion





anamist observances


pacific islanders





island trade





yams, mats, canoes




intermarriage common



long distance voyaging





easter island settled




american sweet potato




hawaii settled




similar fishhood styles




hawiian, tahitian similar




polynesia 500k pop.



chief based states





chief oversees island




island-island conflict




priest intermediaries



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